Šodien, blakus pieturai, kurā kāpju es troleibusā, lai dotos uz darbu ir atvēries Iļģuciema maiznīcas veikals. Par ko tad es te tā spamoju? Viss jau ok, bet dzīvoju ta es Purvciemā.
Kategorijas Vecais staffs arhīvs
English please
Es šodien kautkā nejauši delfos uzgāju kāda psihologa sacerētu rakstu ar interesanto nosaukumu “Datora lietotāja spožums un posts”.
Tas, ka raksts ir pārāk garš, lai to lasītu, kā arī tas, ka tur ir daudzas populāras kļūdas būtu figņa, mani tur īpaši piedura dažu anglisku terminu tulkojums
degsme, kvēle (flame, flaming);
seksuālā neapmierinātība (sexual harassment);
Ja vēl fleimu varētu notulkot kā degsmi, kvēli, (kaut arī tas neatbilst būtībai), tad harassment jau nu nekādīgi par neapmierinātību nevar nodēvēt. Žēl gan, ka cilvēki, kas pārbauda rakstus pirms tos publicē (tādi taču tur ir, ne?), arī nav spējīgi pamanīt šādas glupības. Oh well.
Šodien nākot atpakaļ no pusdienām pie biroja durvīm satieku Pēci, izdomāju jāaprunājas, kā nekā sen nav satikts un tā. Kad šis padzird, ka es eju prom no savas patreizējās darbavietas uzreiz nosolās man tuvākajā laikā uzzvanīt un piedāvāt darbu…
Tagad, davai, ļaudis sarunājam tā, ja kādam vēl ir kādi darba piedāvājumi, tad lūdzu līdz pirmdienai tos izteikt, lai varu nākamnedēļ izvazāties pa visiem iespējamiem kantoriem un kārtīgi izvērtēt visus piedāvājumus :)
Alea Jacta Est
Šodien iesniedzu atlūgumu…
Pasaule iet uz galu. Ka es jums saku. Lai nezkautkādu latvieti ieceltu par Žalgira galveno trenneri…
Smuka bilde? Jā, man arī patīk, un nebūt neizskatās, ka pēc mirķļa pašā iekārtas centrā tiks sasniegta milzumliela 2GK (2 milijardi Kelvinu) temperatūra.
Interesantākais ir tas, ka zinātnieki paši vēl īsti nesaprot kā viņiem īsti tas ir izdevies, ibo šo temperatūru tā verķa sakarsētā plazma sasniedza brīdī, kad teorētiski tai jau bija jāsāk atdzist. Pie tam, kas papildus interesanti, ir tas, ka izstarots tika vairāk enerģijas, nekā tika ieguldīts (protams, neskaitot to elektrības daudzumu, kas nepieciešams, lai saturētu šādi sakarsēto plazmu magnētiskajā laukā). Tas liecina, ka iespējams ir atklāts jauns enerģijas avots.
Slašdotā par šo rakstiņu man sevišķi iepatikās šis pāris komentāru:
Unfortunately, an awful lot of science ends with…
“So, what exactly did you do before the lab exploded?”
Uz ko tika atbildēts:
If you’re asked that question, things aren’t too bad. Now when the Nuclear Regulatory Commission holds hearings to speculate on what you might have been doing when you vaporized yourself and everything within the good old 2 x unit n wide by 0.25 x n unit deep crater, that’s bad. And if another intelligent race n lightyears away is wondering what in the hell you did doing exactly n years ago, why that’s a real screwup. Bonus points for getting noticed in another galaxy.
On Oblivion
It is improper, though common, to refer to the denizens of the dimension of Oblivion as demons. This practice must probably dates to the Alessian Doctrines of the prophet Marukh which, rather amusingly, forbade traffic with “daimons,” and then neglected to explain what demons are. It is most probable that “daimon” is a mispelling of “daedra,” the old Elvish word for the strange, powerful creatures of uncertain motivation who come from the dimension of Oblivion. In later tractates by King Hale the Pious of Skyrim, almost a thousand years after the publication of the original Doctrines, the evil of his political enemies is compared to “the wickedness of the demons of Oblivion … their depravity equals that of Sanguine itself, they are cruel as Boethiah, calculating as Molag Bal, and mad as Sheogorath.”
Hale the Pious thus longwindedly introduced four of the daedra lords to the written record.
The written record is not, after all, the best way to research Oblivion and the daedra that inhabit it. Those who, in the words of the Alessian Doctrine, “traffic with daimons” seldom wish it to be a matter of public record. Nevertheless, scattered throughout the literature of the first era, are diaries, journals, notices for witch burnings, and guides for daedra-slayers which contain only a few contradictions. These I have used as my primary source material.
They are at least as trustworthy as the daedra lords I have actually summoned and spoken with at length.
Oblivion is a place composed of many lands, thus the many names for which Oblivion is synonymous: Coldharbour, Quagmire, Moonshadow, and others. It may be supposed that each land of Oblivion is ruled by one prince. The princes whose name appears over and over (though this is not a sure test of their authenticity, to be sure) are the aforementioned Sanguine, Boethiah, Molag Bal, Sheogorath, and Azura, Mephala, Clavicus Vil, Vaernima, Malacath, Hoermius (or Hermaeus or Hormaius, there is no consistant spelling) Mora, Namira, Jyggalag, Nocturnal, Mehrunes Dagon, and Peryite.
From my experience, Daedra are a very mixed lot. It is almost impossible to categorize them as a whole except for their immense power and their penchant for extremism.
Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Peryite, Boethiah, and Vaernima are among the most consistently “demonic” of the Daedra, in the sense that their spheres seem to be destructive in nature. The other daedra can, of course, be very dangerous, but seldom purely for the sake of destruction, as these five can.
Nor are those five aforementioned daedra identical in their destruction. Mehrunes Dagon seems to prefer natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanos, to vent his spleen. Molag Bal prefers employing actual daedralings, and Boethiah inspires the arms of mortal warriors. Peryite sphere seems to be pestilence, and Vaernima’s torture.
Summoning daedra is not a difficult proposition, but it is usual an expensive one. Most Mages Guilds have a summoning room, but this is most often reserved for the highest echelon of guildmembers. Witches covens are much less class sensitive, and the Necromancers, the Dark Brotherhood, and many secretive kings and queens of Tamriel have private summoning rooms. Daedra princes usually demand some sort of service of those who summon them, though I am fortunate enough to have good relations with some and need not perform.
In preparation for the second chapter of this series, I will be investigating two matters that have intrigued me since I began my career as a daedra researcher. The first is on one particular Daedra Prince, referred to in multiple articles of incunabula as Hircine. Hircine has been called “the huntsman of the Princes” and “the father of manbeasts,” but I have yet to find anyone who can summon him.
The other, and more doubtful goal I have for the next chapter is to find a practical means for mortal man to pass through to Oblivion. It has always been my philosophy that we only need fear that which we do not understand, and with that thought in mind, I pursue my goal.
Taa lai buutu skaidrs!
turpinot tēmu
Žetons Kalvītim, un pie viena publisks fui visiem tiem gļēvuļiem, kas iesaka atvainoties dēļ tā, lai tik pasarg dievs neuzsauktu uz sevīm fundamentālistu dusmas. Atgādināšu Bendžamina Franklina frāzi:
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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